Sponsors and Patrons
Conference Patrons:
Gold Patrons:
National Sicence Foundation (NSF) for Student Travel Support
Army Research Office (ARO) for Student Travel Support
Silver Patrons:
VT Hume Center
Information for Potential Patrons: [PDF version]
For IEEE CNS 2013, we have four levels of support:
Bronze Patron, up to $4,000:
- Display space for your company's brochures
- Logo on the Conference's web page, advance program, final program and proceedings.
Silver Patron, up to $8,000:
In addition to the Bronze Patron benefits,
- Three free registrations
- A coffee break will be designated as being supported by your company
- We will place a half-page advertisement for your organization in the final program.
Gold Patron, up to $15,000:
In addition to the Silver Patron benefits,
- Three additional free registrations
- We will place a full-page advertisement for your organization in the final program.
Platinum Patron, $15,000 and above:
We will use appropriate venues to underscore and publicize your support. For example, the reception/banquet will be designated as being partially or fully supported by your company.
For more information about being a CNS Patron, please contact our Patron Chairs, Harvey Freeman, at h.freeman@ieee.org or T. Charles Clancy, at tcc@vt.edu.