Collaborative Research: NeTS: Medium: An Integrated Multi-Time Scale Approach to High-Performance, Intelligent, and Secure O-RAN based NextG
This project is funded by the National Science Foundation. Awards #2312447 and #2312448
Virginia Tech: PI: Jeffrey Reed, Co-PIs: Thomas Hou, Wenjing Lou
Michigan State University: PI: Huacheng Zeng
Project Duration: October 1, 2023 - September 30, 2026
Project Abstract
Recent movement to open up radio access network (RAN) interfaces, led by the O-RAN Alliance, has introduced a new paradigm for future wireless networks. With its key features of openness and intelligence, O-RAN enables a ''mix-and-match'' approach to RAN development and deployment, allowing telecom carriers to select the best hardware and software from different vendors. Such openness also catalyzes the integration of machine learning (ML) based intelligence into the RAN and promises further performance improvement. This project aims to address several major challenges in O-RAN, with the objective of enhancing its performance, intelligence, and trustworthiness. Through innovation in wireless algorithm and protocol design, ML, and network security, this project expedites the evolution of O-RAN ecosystem. The outcomes of this project provide valuable insights to the wireless industry and academic research community regarding new potentials, challenges, and innovative solutions surrounding O-RAN technologies. Moreover, the project promotes the participation of women and students with diverse backgrounds in wireless communications and computer science research while enhancing pedagogical activities through new course materials.
This project aims to enhance the performance, intelligence, and trustworthiness of O-RAN by tackling several fundamental challenges across its control loops of three different time scales. The project consists of three interconnected research thrusts. The first thrust focuses on real-time multi-user multi-input and multi-output (MU-MIMO) beamforming in O-RAN's distributed unit (O-DU). It develops a data-driven approach for beamforming that accounts for channel uncertainty. The second thrust focuses on the design of ML algorithms for MU-MIMO control within the near-RT RAN Intelligent Controller (RIC). It establishes an optimization-based framework to generate high-quality labeled datasets for training ML models. The third thrust aims to advance knowledge of the vulnerabilities of ML models in the non-RT RIC of O-RAN and develop safeguard solutions against data manipulation attacks. The three research thrusts are tightly integrated vertically within the O-RAN architecture and their outcome lays the foundation for designing a comprehensive solution for O-RAN.
- Y. Wu, Y. Shi, Y.T. Hou, W. Lou, J.H. Reed, L.A. DaSilva, "R3: A Real-time Robust MU-MIMO Scheduler for O-RAN," IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications, Volume 23, Issue 11, pp. 17727-17743, November 2024. DOI: 10.1109/TWC.2024.3456596.
- S. Li, N. Jiang, C. Li, Y.T. Hou, W. Lou, W. Xie, "ReDBeam: Real-time MU-MIMO Beamforming with Limited CSI Data Samples," In Proc. IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC): Wireless Communications Symposium, June 9-13, 2024, Denver, CO, USA. DOI: 10.1109/ICC51166.2024.10622851
- Shiva Acharya, Shaoran Li, Yubo Wu, Nan Jiang, Wenjing Lou, Y. Thomas Hou, "Rudra: An Algorithm for Optimizing Spectrum Efficiency with Data Rate Guarantee in Next-G Communications," In Proc. IEEE Military Communications Conference (MILCOM), October 28-November 1, 2024, Washington, DC, USA.
- Md Hasan Shahriar, Mohammad Raashid Ansari, Jean-Philippe Monteuuis, Cong Chen, Jonathan Petit, Y.T. Hou and W. Lou, "VehiGAN: Generative Adversarial Networks for Adversarially Robust V2X Misbehavior Detection Systems," In Proc. IEEE International Conference on Distributed Computing Systems (ICDCS), July 23-26, Jersey City, NJ, USA. DOI: 10.1109/ICDCS60910.2024.00122
- Hexuan Yu, Shanghao Shi, Yi Shi, Eric W. Burger, Y.T Hou, W. Lou, "Pri-Share: Enabling Inter-SAS Privacy Protection via Secure Multi-Party Spectrum Allocation," In Proc. IEEE International Symposium on Dynamic Spectrum Access Networks (DySPAN), May 13-16, 2024, Washington, DC, USA. DOI: 10.1109/DySPAN60163.2024.10632740
- Chaoyu Zhang, Shanghao Shi, Ning Wang, Xiangxiang Xu, Shaoyu Li, Lizhong Zheng, Randy Marchany, Mark Gardner, Y.T. Hou, W. Lou "Hermes: Boosting the Performance of Machine-Learning-based Intrusion Detection System through Geometric Feature Learning," In Proc. ACM MobiHoc, pp. 251-260, Athens, Greece, October 14-17, 2024. DOI: 10.1145/3641512.3686380
- Chaoyu Zhang, Ning Wang, Shanghao Shi, Changlai Du, W. Lou and Y.T. Hou, "MINDFL: Mitigating the Impact of Imbalanced and Noisy-Labeled Data in Federated Learning With Quality and Fairness-Aware Client Selection," in Proc. IEEE Military Communications Conference (MILCOM), pp. 331-338, October 30-November 3, 2023, Boston, MA, USA. DOI: 10.1109/MILCOM58377.2023.10356215
Broadening Participation in Computing (BPC) Activities:
- PI Jeff Reed on 4/24/2024 spoke with Middel School students at Our Lady Queen of Peace Catholic School in Richwood, TX on careers in Engineering on the benefits of a STEM Career and the importance of taking math classes.
- Co-PI Tom Hou supervised a summer intern from Blacksburg High School on wireless communications and networking.
- Co-PI Wenjing Lou participated in two sessions of the faculty meet-ups for CEED?s Black Engineering Excellence (BEE VT) summer program in the summer of 2024. BEE VT is for rising 11th and 12th grade Black/African American students. There are 16 participants in each session and the faculty speakers talk about their department and research, share their personal journey and answer questions and answers from those high school students.