Things to Know About Ph. D. Thesis Research
(Prepared for
"What is Research" Immigration Course, Computer Science
Department, Carnegie Mellon University, 14 October 1987)
- Introduction
- Why
Ph.D. thesis could be really difficult for a student
- Types
of Ph.D. theses (from Allen Newell)--not a topic of this talk
- Growth
of a star (the transformation process that some students go through
to become a mature researcher)--which stage are you in?
- Stages
of Ph.D. thesis research
- Methods
to get into the depth of a topic (or how to come up with good
- Breaking
- Pitfalls
to avoid (easy ones to avoid listed first)
- Some
other general advice
- All
the effort is worth it (believe it or not)
- Ph.D. thesis
is treated very seriously at leading universities.
- Expectation
is high.
- Ph.D. thesis represents a substantial work. Faculty often
tell other people that "We have a student working
on this area for his or her Ph.D. thesis." Amazingly
enough, this is usually sufficient to convince people
that the problem is somehow going to be solved.
- Ph.D.
thesis research is a task to ensure that the student can later
take on independent, long-term research commitments. (If a
Ph.D. student does not intend to be a researcher, the Ph.D.
thesis work is not worth the effort in general at least at
- Through
the Ph.D. thesis process the student is transformed into a
professional researcher.
- Faculty
are judged by the theses of their Ph.D. students.
- High
standard Ph.D. thesis is probably one of the most important
factors that contribute to the success of graduate education
at leading American universities.
- Ph.D.
thesis is probably the only real challenge for getting a Ph.D.
- Ph.D. qualifier is seldom a problem for motivated students.
- Ph.D. thesis
research is probably more mechanical than a new graduate student
would think. (Of course the process is still too complex to be
- Knowing
this mechanism can be more important than thesis results themselves.
- Some
information presented here may be relevant to your whole research
career, i.e., it is not just for the Ph.D. thesis per se.
- This talk
consists of pragmatic advice.
- The
talk is based on my personal experience (i.e., not based on
any serious research)
- I happen to have research experience in both theory and
system areas. We will compare thesis research in these
two areas.
- This
is a common sense talk and will have down to earth discussions.
- "I
wish someone told me this before."
Why Ph.D. thesis could be really difficult for a student
- Most likely
this is your first, major research experience.
- A big
challenge for most students
- No simple
- Different
- Different
kinds of theses
- Different
- The work
is judged by thesis committee (mostly advisor). This produces
- Unlike
other research you will do, the evaluation mechanism for thesis
research is very unique.
- No clear
- No clear
standard (we only know it is high)
- Recall
the Stanford murder case (the former student said, after he
had finished--he did finish something-- his jail term, that
he might do it again under a similar circumstance).
Types of Ph.D. theses (from Allen Newell)--not a topic of this talk
- Opens up
new area
- Provides
unifying framework
- Resolves
long-standing question
- Thoroughly
explores an area
- Contradicts
existing knowledge
- Experimentally
validates theory
- Produces
an ambitious system
- Provides
empirical data
- Derives superior
- Develops
new methodology
- Develops
a new tool
- Produces
a negative result
Growth of a star (the transformation process that some students
go through to become a mature researcher)--which stage are you in?
- Knowing everything
- Student:
"I have designed a supercomputer even before graduate
- Faculty:
- Totally
beaten up stage
- Student:
- Faculty:
smiling at the student's progress so communication is possible
- Confidence
buildup stage
- Student:
"I am not stupid after all." (student thinks)
- Faculty:
"Uh oh, she is ready to argue." (faculty think)
- Calling the
shot stage
- Faculty:
"I am going to design an n-processor supercomputer."
- Student:
"You are crazy, because ..."
Stages of Ph.D. thesis research
- Selection
of area--not a topic of this talk
- Selection
of advisor--not a topic of this talk
- Becoming
a researcher in the area
- Building
up general knowledge, experience, and confidence
- Knowing
issues and important questions in the area
- Capturing
research opportunities
- Don't let any idea or question go by without first giving
it careful thought.
- Pay attention to new technologies
- Examples
- VLSI, networking, and new chips such as the Weitek
floating-point chips three years ago which in
some sense gave the initial motivation for the
Warp project
- Some
useful things to do (from Dave Gifford, MIT)
- Read recent proceedings of the best conferences, and ask
more senior people what were the best papers. Try to figure
out what makes a great paper (and thus what makes great
- Keep a notebook that contains your research notes. Put
all of your empirical data and initial ideas in the notebook.
Make notes on a paper as you read it and think about the
assumptions of the author and the importance of the results.
- Follow references from one paper to another until you
know an area extremely well. Don't count on your advisor
to hand you all of the relevant papers out of his file
drawer. He doesn't have them all!
- Thesis proposal
- It is
the most crucial stage in the sense that the basic concept
is worked out here.
- To
get important results you need to ask important questions
- This is the time you need your advisor most.
- Problems
in later stages are usually rooted from a weak thesis
- Purpose
- A research plan
- A serious attempt to get an overview of the whole
research course
- Not really a contract
- Need some flexibility because research always
has uncertainty.
- Forming the committee
- Varies a lot
- Choose people for your thesis committee that can help
with needed expertise. For example, it is useful to
have a relevant theory faculty member on a systems
committee and vice-versa.
- However, there is usually no need to optimize too
much on the selection of the committee members--advisor
still plays the most important role.
- However it can be very important, when
- you have a "questionable" advisor, or
- you have an interdisciplinary topic.
- A review
- If there is any serious doubt, it had better show
up now.
- Proposal could sometimes be viewed as just a forcing
function for taking care of certain things.
- Some
of the difficult questions always asked in a thesis proposal:
- What is your approach and what is new?
- What is your secret weapon? (Herbert Simon)
- How do you measure your own progress?
- What are the success or completion criteria?
- How will the expected results change the-state-of- the-art?
- The
grand challenge for a thesis proposal is to come up with an
approach or an experiment.
- It is easy to identify a general problem area, but setting
up an approach and designing an experiment can be difficult.
- Need ideas
- Just need one good idea, really
- Unfortunately, there is no magic here (however
see some hints below). This is the hard part of
any research project for everyone (not just for
- Need independent thinking
- You should be good enough to start arguing with your
advisor on technical issues and research tastes.
- Need to elaborate on focus, approach, experiment, and
potential impact
- For theory research you may propose some new models
of computation.
- Examples: area-time complexity (new VLSI model
in theory), parallel algorithms (new cost models)
- For system research you may design experiments and
argue their relevance.
- Examples: multiprocessor architecture, compiler
for a parallel machine
- Useful
things to know when preparing a thesis proposal
- Be honest. There is no need to exaggerate your claims!
If you point out the weaknesses in your approach you will
disarm your critics.
- Pick a project that is manageable so you can do an excellent
job - things are always harder than they seem. It is far
better to do an outstanding job on a moderate size project
than a moderate job on a large project.
- Include a tentative thesis outline and a month by month
schedule in your thesis proposal.
- This may be difficult to do but it is better than
no plan at all.
- This will also help gauge the total size of the work
you are committing yourself to do.
- Producing
- Lots
of work--what else do you expect?
- System--be inside an active project without losing sight
of thesis
- Need to be a worker as well as a conceptual person.
- Your work depends on other people's work and vice
- Opportunity to see real problems
- Getting good support, including encouragement
and demand, from the group
- It seems that this arrangement really works
in all cases.
- Be quick, because you don't want to be overtaken by
the environment (this is one of the pitfalls to avoid,
as described below)
- Theory--be lucky!
- Be flexible
- It is hard to insist that you will prove a theorem
before you go to sleep.
- Be quick, because theoretical results are totally
portable and so competition can be keen.
- Keep
the committee informed (at least those "trouble makers")
- You can get real help sometimes.
- Committee members are obliged to talk to you.
- Sometimes finding a qualified person beyond your advisor
to discuss your work can be difficult.
- Don't want surprises in the later stage of the thesis
- Ways
to finish a thesis
- Incremental and adaptive approach
- A sequence of incremental results
- Big-bang approach (this is not recommended in general)
- One big theorem
- A big piece of software or hardware
- Writing
- Why
some students find that Ph.D. thesis writing is very difficult
- First major document
- Writing is time-consuming--part of the .9999 perspiration
- Think
how many good sentences you can write in an hour.
- Fighting with fonts, figures, references, etc.?
- Please don't be too picky.
- When results are not totally solid, writing can be really
difficult even for an experienced writer (now you know
another reason why proposal writing is not easy)
- Can't say too much and don't want to say any less
- Writing about flaky results can be a real challenge.
- In this case you should improve your results first.
- Writing has to do with presentation rather than finding
new results. So writing may not be as exciting..
- However,
thesis writing is useful in the sense that it helps reveal
possible problem areas and provides new insights.
- Help get a large picture on what you really have.
- Help organize the concepts
- Completeness is forced.
- You must take care of things that you have been ignoring.
- For example, you need to do comparison with other
- Correctness of the results is checked.
- You had better have the proof now for any plausible
"theorem" that you have been believing.
- New insights on how things really work
- New ways of looking at your results
- Recommendations
- Get some practice--write some papers before thesis
- Write some joint papers with people who have substantial
writing experience
- Need to know the theme of the thesis very well
- Outline first
- Write the conclusion first (try it at least)
- Start writing chapters which are more settled.
- Write the introduction last
- Iterative process
- Make the writing as precise as possible, so that you know
exactly what you are talking about. This will save lots
of rewriting.
- Precise writing usually also yields good English.
- Getting
final comments from the committee
- Not
too early or too late
- Getting some committee members to read can be a challenge.
- They are busy people. You want to give them an "optimal" version to make comments.
- How
much to ask for comments varies a lot
- Should
not have any surprises now.
- You had better know what you have been doing by now.
- However, if there is any problem, it had better show up
- Defense
- Mostly
a formality and a happy occasion (should be like that)
- You know that your results are good and you will present
them well.
- You should know the answer to the question - "What
are the three main ideas in your thesis?". You
should be able to rattle them off and relate them
to previous work.
- Getting a date set can be more difficult than you think.
- Committee members do not necessarily stay at CMU as
long as you do!
- Weekend defense is not really desirable.
- May be difficult to get audience.
- However
defense is still very important:
- Opportunity for final improvements for the thesis
- Formal presentation to the community
- Many people form their opinion of your n-years' work
from this presentation
- Presentation material can be used for future presentations
- Used in recruiting presentations if you have not settled
on a job yet
- Psychologically important
- Once in a life time occasion--you will remember it
- Don't want to blow it.
- After defense
- Usually
there is still some minor work to be done for the thesis (too
- Defense was moved early for various reasons
- New comments from defense
- Did not have time or did not want to polish the thesis
before defense
- Publication
- Articles, books (or give the thesis to your parents)
- Very important to publish the results in journals
- This is the only reliable way to archive your results.
(You don't want to lose them after all these efforts,
do you?)
- Publication is important for academic career.
- May break the thesis up in several articles. When
appropriate, some articles may have joint authors
such as your advisor.
- Do it right away before you get on to the next thing.
- Books can be good too.
- Follow-on
- Keep mining the thesis--why not?
- Finally
you are free!
"Methods" to get into the depth of a topic (or how to
come up with good ideas)
- No magic,
but we will still try ....
- How to develop
initial ideas
- Study
other work and do comparison
- What are similar issues and solutions?
- Look
at examples
- Generalization and abstraction
- Make
hypothesis and validate it formally or informally-- keep trying
- You
will discover issues at least.
- Do modeling
and abstracting
- Just
do something--be active
- Implementation--details reveal issues
- Join a project to do some real work!
- Handle a smaller case
- Implement a throw-away simulator, language, design,
- Start proving "theorems", even if they are known
to be difficult.
- Quick way to understand issues
- Work
with good, experienced researchers (don't forget to use your
- They might have deep insights on similar problems.
- They can help calibrate the difficulty of the problem.
- You learn the subject matter from them more quickly and
- You learn their techniques
- Every successful researcher has his or her own bag
of "tools":
- Calculation, synthesis, analysis, persistence
- If they also get stuck once in a while, you know that
you are not that bad after all.
- How to develop
existing ideas further
- Exploring
problem and solution spaces
- Enumerate parameters individually (and do quick pruning)
- To see where your current ideas sit in the space
- Correlate results
- Generalize ideas and results to other points in the space
- Produce phenomena and explain them (Herb Simon)
- Brainstorming
your ideas with others
- Presenting
your ideas in papers or/and seminars
- Ideas will be checked out carefully and systematically
(see above on thesis writing)
- Example
steps that can be used to get some depth from a simple result
such as a speed-up curve
- Explain the curve
- Look at the problem and solutions spaces
- Do some comparisons
- Change the assumptions
- How stable is the result?
- How will results vary or correlate under different
- Derive some general principle
- Similar curves for other situations?
- General
- Thinking
is the key
- Thinking is more important than reading
- Books are not always right.
- Note that in the system area with few exceptions
people who build systems do not have time nor
need to write up their experience--it is too bad
but it is a reality.
- Be alert on all sorts of opportunities
- Do the thinking right away while you have it.
- Ideas and interest may be lost more quickly than you
like to believe
- Talking
to people
- Don't over do it (you still need to do the work yourself)
Breaking myths
- "Advisor
is a stronger researcher than you."
- It is
true that advisor is experienced, wise, smart (maybe), and
knowledgeable in general. Advisor also sees a bigger picture,
and has contacts in the area.
- However,
advisor is not always right.
- Advisor is not as focussed as you.
- Advisor does not have more time or energy than you do.
- Advisor is not as innovative in general.
- They know too much.
- They are more conservative.
- They know too many horror stories.
- Aging does not help.
- Advisor's knowledge may be obsolete (don't say this in
front of him or her!).
- You
must believe that you can do better than advisor for some
research areas.
- "System
theses take longer than theory theses."
- The
most difficult part of a thesis is to come up with some good,
new ideas. The difficulty in getting new ideas is the same
for theory or system research.
- Theory thesis is in general not about solving open problems.
- Actually good theoreticians always work on new problems,
models and methods so that they can solve the problems
that are "solvable" in the first place.
- Greatest contributions are ground breaking ones,
such as new models.
- New approaches give new insights to old problems.
This is the way open problems usually get solved
(e.g., the four-color problem).
- For systems theses it is important that the major ideas
in the thesis are independent of the implementation--the
goal is to have the ideas live on in other systems as
well. A good systems thesis usually has a new algorithm
or new method at its core.
- Few theory students who finish really early are likely
those who have prior research experience. (Recall that
theory results are highly portable!)
- Incompetent theory students are more noticeable than weak
system students. So we don't often see theory students
who drag on for a long time.
- There
are some differences in systems and theory research however,
but they should not have too much impact on the thesis research
- System needs implementation, whereas theory needs more
background study.
- Theory research is self-sufficient and system implementation
may depend on other people's work (you should not get
into a situation where you don't have control).
- "Ph.D.
thesis research follows some standard guidelines."
- Yes,
a Ph.D. this must represent a substantial result in a very
high standard.
- But
there are many ways to leave a mark in a research area. As
long as you have come up with some good ideas and pushed the
frontier of knowledge, you will be surprised sometimes how
flexible your committee could be in terms of the research
approach, acceptable results, and thesis presentation.
- There
is a small percentage of Ph.D. theses completed in unusual
manner. Don't give up too early if you belong to this class.
Try it or you will never know.
Pitfalls to avoid (easy ones to avoid listed first)
- The goal
is too big to reach.
- Theory
- Proving P /= NP
- Proving P = NP is even worse (likely this thesis will
never finish!).
- Deciding whether P = or /= NP is best of the three (i.e.,
be flexible)
- System
- The initial effort is so large that real issues never
get a chance to be looked at.
- It is important to size the project and evaluate the total
effort carefully based on past experiences.
- Ideas cannot
stand without an implementation that competes with commercial
- Chess
machine implementation is OK, because there is no commercial
- In this
sense, Warp hardware is more difficult than software.
- Floating-point
designs that require a high-performance chip implementation
to validate the concept would be disastrous.
- Never
need to implement another vector processor!
- The thesis
area is overtaken by technology and environment
- Technology
advances have solved the thesis problem.
- A clever operating system using no more than 128K memory
is not very interesting today.
- Advisor
(or student sometimes) has changed his or her interest
- Other
new projects have better approaches and opportunities
- Other
people have published similar and/or better results.
- Advisor
has a better job elsewhere or the project is over.
- Lesson:
You should always do your thesis as quickly as possible.
- Totally
isolated work
- No encouragement
and support--no one cares about your thesis
- Can't even find an advisor sometimes
- Doing a thesis away from CMU is really difficult.
- System
- Lone ranger approach is almost suicidal.
- No software, systems and application support for evaluation
- Very difficult to do anything real without feedback
from a community
- Theory
- At least global networking is needed.
- Not knowing
when to stop
- Thesis
is not the last research you will do.
- You
can do the same research after your Ph.D. thesis (while making
more money).
- Learn
to make reasonable assumptions to restrict the problem
- Unhealthy
competition between student and advisor
- This
is more likely to happen in the theory area.
- The
potential is always there (especially for smart professors
with lots of ego). In general if both sides try to be fair,
things can always be worked out.
- Lots of numbers
and hacking but no fundamental principles
- System
research has to have more than implementation.
- Implementation
for a thesis research is interesting only if it can be used
to validate some theory.
- This
problem should be fixed as early as possible.
- Things dragged
on--wonderful general ideas in the beginning that never get developed
into a coherent approach (i.e., heading to a black hole--there
is no output)
- Wrong
areas for the student (and perhaps the advisor) with respect
to ability and interest
- Nightmare
case--it does no good to anyone.
Some other general advice
- Stay away
from areas that have been thoroughly mined by your ancestors.
- Keep
yourself at the very front of a research area so that you
have a better chance to hit something big or at least new.
- After
all in research what matters is the work that pushes us into
new territories.
- Make
use new advances in other areas
- Don't avoid
- Thinking
is hard but there is no substitute for it.
- Psych yourself
up for this unique experience of doing a Ph.D. thesis
- Make
yourself believe you are solving the most important problem
in the world
- Remember
what worked for you before
- If you work best when you are competing with others, then
create some confrontation.
- Must
be very alert about issues and opportunities
- Thesis
process is sort of artificial (almost a torture in some way)
- The thesis is judged by a committee (mainly your advisor)
- More subjective than exams
- Probably one of the most humiliating experiences for people
of this age (advisors should all remember this and be
- The process is not a typical research style--you don't
do anything similar to it again even if you will be doing
research after the degree.
- The
thesis process can be long and treacherous. (Be prepared for
- You don't want depression.
- There
are quite a few very competent people who just do not want
to go through this.
- Use forcing
functions well to speed up the thesis process
- Competing
with someone else
- Family
- Financial
- A job
is waiting
- Advisor
is leaving or project is over
- Equipment
is retiring
- Never throw
away advisor's comments
- Keep good
relationship with your advisor (even after you graduate)
- Good
thing to do--no exception almost
- Relationship
is unique.
- Advisor usually has lots of influence on you in this very
important stage of your life. Advisor also appreciates
the good research you did with him, and is in general
interested in your well-being.
- Advisor
may be your mentor for your entire career.
All the effort is worth it (believe it or not)
- Experience
from Ph.D. thesis research is unique. You have learned how to
do research. Future research is going to be more interesting because
you will know how to do it, so you will have more freedom and
- Almost all
leaders in research have this experience. You will have confidence
in your research ability. You will look at things differently
than people who did not go through this process. It is very clear
that Ph.D. thesis research is still the best way we know of in
developing powerful researchers.
- In summary,
it is the best investment for becoming a successful researcher.