To Prospective Graduate Students
Multiple openings for students pursuing Ph.D. study at Virginia Tech.
This message is for students who are interested in pursuing a Ph.D. degree in wireless networks or cyber security at Virginia Tech, USA. Students admitted into our Ph.D. program will be fully funded with stipend and tuition support.
The Complex Networks and Security Research (CNSR) Laboratory at Virginia Tech is directed by Professor Tom Hou and Professor Wenjing Lou, both are IEEE Fellows. The laboratory conducts pioneering research in wireless networks and cyber security. Past Ph.D. graduates from our lab have been highly successful in either industry or academia.
Perspective students may choose to enroll in either the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering (ECE) or the Department of Computer Science (CS) at Virginia Tech. Students who meet the following requirements are encouraged to apply:
* B.S. or M.S degree in ECE or CS (Students with B.S. degrees should apply for our
direct-Ph.D. program.)
* Excellent communication skills
* Excellent academic record
* Some prior research experience
Please send your resume and academic transcripts (PDF attachments) to:
Prof. Tom Hou ( - Wireless Networking
Prof. Wenjing Lou ( - Cybersecurity
Prof. Tom Hou & Prof. Wenjing Lou
Dept. of ECE & Dept. of CS
Virginia Tech, USA